Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 14 - Friday November 20 Beijing, China

We ain’t in Kansas anymore, that’s for sure.  From the bitter cold landscape that resembles eastern Colorado (no, not the mountainous Rockies side, the flat Nebraska-type side) on it’s deadest of winter days, to the fact that laws apparently don’t exist for drivers, to the bed mattresses that knocked the air out of my lungs when I did the swan dive onto them to celebrate how large our hotel room was.  I knew things would be different around here, but the first two hours in the country have shown that we have no idea what we’re about to encounter.  That’s both frightening and exciting, which is why we came to such a foreign land.

No Internet access in the room, so we’re off to wander the streets and discover for ourselves what there is to do here, instead of relying on Lonely Planet or some travel blog.   Wish us luck!

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