Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Craig finished books #4 & 5 + an update on Tania's readings

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown
- Even though the technology references are dated and you can tell Brown was much more chauvinistic at the time, it still had his trademark action that made it an entertaining read.
- Oh, and the fact that much of the action takes place in Sevilla where I studied for a semester allowed for plenty of reminiscing about all of the city's sites and neighborhoods.

The Invisible Man by HG Wells
- Silly little early 20th century sci-fi story that ended up being less an exploration into what it would be like to become invisible, and more about a mad scientist.
- Favorite quote:  "Great and strange ideas transcending experience often have less effect upon men and women than smaller, more tangible considerations.

I'll let Tania report on her books, but I can confirm that she stormed through all 4 Twilight books and an entire collection of David Sedaris short stories.  From the brief glimpses she's given me at each, I can happily report that I'll be reading his stories much sooner than I will of the vampires and werewolves.

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